Monday 23 April 2012

part 2....

Actually this is not part 2.. so maybe I want it to be part 2..  who cares right..  Back to Penang.... back to many-many years ago... even the Mat Saleh or Pak Arab or Pak Itam that can easily identified as FOREIGNER... like to pronouns it as Pulau Pinang..  people come people go .... people who like Penang they become the permanent residence.. people hate it... they may not want to remember why they went there... 

I like Pulau Pinang.... everything are so near, the school, the bank and so on and on and on... but one thing that disturb me most.... where are the real local people there??... What I mean is out of 100% population why only 5% or less for the local or clearly mentioned the bumiputras that around in Penang.... so thats make me hate Penang (new Pulau Pinang)...

At first my migration to Penang, I'm asking the same question to myself, to my wife, to my relatives which lives in Penang Island, why struggle to stay in Penang???... most answered with a smile that bring more and more question.. darn... that's what I hate most.. the answer with more question arise... but god is great... you wish for answer... he will give the answer by his own way...

The answer that don't need to take more than a month have been answered.... the first job that I took the offer in Penang gave a straight and clear answer... RACISM in WORKPLACE... The SALARY are the main weapon they use... Bumiputras got the least salary of all race in Penang... They'll gave al the crappy answers that   they can think of just to reject Bumiputras job application... even Bumiputras Professionals are not exceptional.... ohhh.. the Indian races are also not exceptional... I've met most of them.... the same frustration answered they blurt out....

Wednesday 18 April 2012

New Life (still old but can consider new la)

I join new company away from my family on 2nd April 2012.... yeah great RAKSASA company... a MNC company... with a new hope to prepare a quality life for my beloved wife and children... tentu la with a greater salary than i get in Penang...derrr.... also i wanted to forget all the frustrations and bengang nyer when try to earn a living in Penang...

Penang the City of Colours... yeah... they gave salary by your colour of skin... damn, it was hard back then...  roll back... as a bumiputera treated like a blackie in US in those day that full of hatred by the whitey...  the only differents is, this is my own soil... not that i'm an immigrant or what... darn those cha ya nun alif bukit mali... 

How this bloody racist happen... tanahair sendiri tu beb... can't imagine what will happen in next few years... would it be Malay without a Country???....   immigrant in their own country???..... what those bloody politician doing?... biting each others... sedut here and there...  in my view... we are going to that direction... 2012 end of the world...just slowly and the year are the starter actually...  but most of us tried to ignore it...